Monday, February 11, 2008

Project 3: Databaseaudio

For this project I decided to play around with the program polyMachine by ixi software. polyMachine is a polyrhythmic step sequencer where one can set the number of steps of each individual channel. It has up to 6 channels with countless steps. You set up your system when you start playing and then import the sounds you want to use.

Overall, I found this project really enlightening and I was satisfied with the result. The software was really easy to manipulate as well, I am looking forward to trying other softwares.


Project 2: Field recording

This recording is a journey on my way home from school, much of the outdoors were recorded.
I really enjoyed this project because it gave me the opportunity to listen to sounds that I would normally ignore. It was such an interesting experience when I was able to re-hear all the ambient sounds in the recording. I was also fond of the idea of recording the fleeting conversation of people, but it seems that a lot of them were confused by what i was doing with my recorder, and even a guy came to me and asked if i was recording a free conversation for english class.

sonic journey

Project #1: Building a music instrument

Get rice into bottle and shake away!