Saturday, March 22, 2008

Project 5: List of numbers

For this project, I decided to do a piece based upon the statistics of the largest earthquakes in the world since 1990.
I first created the simple melody with 3 different types of sounds using Max and then layering the tracks into Audacity.

Chile 1960 05 22 9.5 -38.24 -73.05 Kanamori, 1977
2. Prince William Sound, Alaska 1964 03 28 9.2 61.02 -147.65 Kanamori, 1977
3. Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra 2004 12 26 9.1 3.30 95.78 Park et al., 2005
4. Kamchatka 1952 11 04 9.0 52.76 160.06 Kanamori, 1977
5. Off the Coast of Ecuador 1906 01 31 8.8 1.0 -81.5 Kanamori, 1977
6. Rat Islands, Alaska 1965 02 04 8.7 51.21 178.50 Kanamori, 1977
7. Northern Sumatra, Indonesia 2005 03 28 8.6 2.08 97.01 PDE
8. Assam - Tibet 1950 08 15 8.6 28.5 96.5 Kanamori, 1977
9. Andreanof Islands, Alaska 1957 03 09 8.6 51.56 -175.39 Johnson et al., 1994
10. Banda Sea, Indonesia 1938 02 01 8.5 -5.05 131.62 Okal and Reymond, 2003
11. Kamchatka 1923 02 03 8.5 54.0 161.0 Kanamori, 1988
12. Chile-Argentina Border 1922 11 11 8.5 -28.55 -70.50 Kanamori, 1977
13. Kuril Islands 1963 10 13 8.5 44.9 149.6 Kanamori, 1977

Click here to listen

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